“The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential…. these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.” – Confucius
Your Business Intelligence and E-Learning Partner.
At Pepper we specialise in specific training for business and business people, it doesn’t matter what your business is, what service you provide or what role you play within your business. We develop E-Learning courses to teach skills that are crucial for anyone to maximize both their business’ potential and their personal potential within business.
Business Intelligence
When it comes to Business Intelligence it is common-place for most
organisations to be struggling with their Data and overall business intelligence (BI) strategy. This often stems from historic technology environments driving the decision-making process when it comes to choosing the right BI solution. Pepper will guide and assist your business to understand its’ BI options and to make the correct decision about the use of BI for the future.
Accepting Change
In business, a change in the way we work can often be hard for the
workplace to accept easily. Pepper will tailor specific E-Leaning courses or stand-up sessions to explain and promote the benefits of change in the way we do things and how technology can help us in our day to day working life.
All of our courses are fully interactive and fun, each subject/module will be initially introduced and explained, there will be instruction, test to teach and modular E-Learning to ensure that we can monitor each candidate to make sure that they are learning correctly and can then put the skills they are taught into practice easily. The training builds up over the duration of each course, in easy to digest steps so that by the end of the course each candidate knows exactly what to do and how to use their new-found abilities. There is a test at the end of each course so that each candidate can see how well they have done.
Rapport is the ability to connect with others in a way that creates a climate of trust and understanding. It is an essential and foundation skill for any form of communication to take place.
Rapport is everything. Learning to become an expert communicator using rapport is incredibly valuable because our communication skills influence what happens in any work or life situation and therefore it is extremely important to invest in learning how to do it well.
‘Working With Rapport’ is a modular skills training course; Candidates will learn how to recognise another person’s view of the world and whether they accept and understand things Orally, Visually or Kinaesthetically. How to then create rapport with any person no matter how they view the world and how to recognize when you have established rapport with them.
Rapport is the cornerstone to any business and by learning excellent rapport skills you will learn how to create business relationships, build on them and maintain them and this means that you will be able to succeed in everything you do.
It is common place for most organisations to be struggling with their Data and overall business intelligence (BI) strategy. This often stems from historic technology environments driving the decision-making process when it comes to choosing the right BI solution. Over the last few years a paradigm shift has occurred in terms of the buying decisions that are being made for all BI and analytics platforms. At long last the end users are getting involved in the decision-making process and their voices are being heard loud and clear. So what are Some of the key driving factors to implement a Business Intelligence solution;
To get insight into customer’s behaviour
To make company data actionable information
To Improve business efficiency across departments
The need for integrated data from multiple business applications and data sources
Ability to access key information quickly, easily and anywhere on multiple devices
Users requiring more in-depth knowledge of business information
Rapid company growth or a recent or pending merger/acquisition
Pepper and its’ partners have a proven track record across multiple sectors in providing data aggregation across all platforms and file formats. This allows us to provide a unified solution based on clear customer requirements. Pepper can demonstrate a direct ROI through automation of previously manual tasks performed by teams of analysts and IT staff battling against the clock to deliver data relevance. The solution can remove the risk of repetitive human effort and error whilst increasing data value through the efficient delivery of real time information.